Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Mostly Top 10 site for Educational Documentaries

As all we know that documentary videos is everywhere on internet and they all could be about many different topics base on what you really to know or the report you gonna make, so just type in Google or in YouTube and you got about more than 1 millions results in Google. But how can you make sure that those document films are corrected in facts and done by professional.

Well here are the 10 site that easier for students (or anyone) to find what they want.

  1. Chockadoc - A site for finding documentaries for who entertain and mainly educational purpose and you can rate videos too. (for some reason this web site change name.)
  2. Documentary Heaven - Before it was a place to find 1000's of documentaries on very topics, now it's 2100+ documentaries available.
  3. Documentary Storm - A web site that allow to rated video for 6 stars limited and ability to be able to leave comments and collaborate with others. (Hm, sound like YouTube to me.)
  4. Documentary Tube - A place to find documentaries and able the save the videos (pretty like favorite in YouTube) and creating a playlists.
  5. Documentary Wire - A site with quite nice design and alot of educational documentaries for research.
  6.  DocumentaryZ -  A good place to find free document videos, could be search base on subjects, most  popular or best rated.
  7. Free Documentaries - This is a web site to find some political and educational documentaries. (I can't go to this site for some reason.)
  8. John Locker - A creative site's name that able to find some document films with 5 starts option rated as limit and also for upload video if you have an account and want to shared some information for the world.
  9. Snag Films - Is one of most popular sites for document videos and independent films. One of the topics even relate to ghost. (Now document won't be boring any more.)
  10. Top Documentary Films - A site with lots of documents to search and able for the users to leave comments bellow. (Let's hope there are no trolls there.)
 Question: What if I want to search a document for something that isn't really for education purpose but for interest or for entertain like...urban legend for example a game Polybius is interest by me now is the information there too? And what  about the MK Ultra document, are they legally available?

"Technology Tidbits: Thoughts of a Cyber Hero." : 10 Sites for Educational Documentaries. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Nov. 2012. <http://cyber-kap.blogspot.com/2012/10/10-sites-for-documentaries.html>.

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