Sunday, February 12, 2012

3 Ways To Keep Students Focused On Education With Gadgets

                           As all we know that most of the kids love gadgets and always use it as a part of their daily life which this might not keep students active from learning. With this so they design to create the “gadgetworm” which name it instead of bookworms, there are 3 ways to make student focus which are. 1. Start from where the Students are, when the teacher feel that her students are not really interest in Romeo and Juliet so teacher come up project to rewrite the scene as if both Romeo and Juliet texting each other in which it come out to be priceless and students show more understanding on the scene. 2. Use active Learning Techniques, maybe you can help the student by teaching them with video games in class and maybe that might improve their skills too. 3.Don’t blame the Technology, you shouldn’t be so harsh and blame the technology before finding any reasons why students can’t stay focus in class and also you might be cut the part that student might also learn more from the technology too.

                          I think this topic is the closest to us, and using technology plus with education is a bright idea which you won’t make the students get bore and sleep on the book anymore. Which I think I like the Romeo and Juliet texting idea, one word that can describe that active is hilarious and that would not only make the students seem more interest in the topic that they are studying but it also make the student truly understand the topic. 

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