This idea came up after the earthquake and tsunami in Japan March 11 2011. Now when the worker need to wear the robot suit for nuclear outbreak, it is very heavy and it is hard to walk but this new idea the Japan maker design a new robot suit that is more less weight and easy to walk but it still can protect nuclear radiation good as the last one. It is in Tokyo and this upgraded suit is called Hybrid Assertive Limb or call HAL for short it can be worn under anti-nuclear radiation vest which heavy around 132 pounds. This lightweight suit can equip a barrier between materials that are touch by radiation and the person body. The vest that can protect radiation made of tungsten and very heavy it is hard to walk but this HAL support the weight of the tungsten vest which at least help about the weight and let hope it don’t had any risks.
Now I think Japan is the better country who is the most develop, it is good for a country to develop but using nuclear as daily life energy is kind of abit risky I know Japan is the most trust full country but we never know what will happen like earthquake and tsunami for examples. When I first heard that Thailand will use nuclear as energy I was like “don’t do it, It is too much risky and I don’t trust anyone.” So being develop is good but…it may being harm too.
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