Sunday, January 27, 2013

Top Worst Passwords that proberly beg someone to hack your accounts

Internet is not a very safe place, that's all I can say. So it's better be safe than sorry by having strong password to save your time and sanity from the hackers or crackers who want to ruined your life. This article is to warned you about the worst passwords that people could properly come up with, so if there is one or two passwords that you using now display on the following list then be careful hackers are way smarter and sneaky than you could imagined.

Top 20 weak and worst Passwords of all time.
  • 123456 (Is that all you can think of?)
  • 12345
  • 123456789
  • Password  (Well can't said about this one since when I was young I used this password for Club Penguin.)
  • iloveyou (That's just silly.)
  • princess (Seriously?)
  • rockyou
  • 1234567
  • 12345678
  • abc123
  • Nicole (Using username or your name as password never be a good decision.)
  • Daniel
  • babygirl
  • monkey (You sir properly asking for your account to got Hack and you would rage like a monkey.)
  •  Jessica
  •  Lovely (It won't be lovely when you got HACK.)
  • michael
  • Ashley
  • 654321
  • Qwerty (They are way smarter than you think.)
  • infographic
Hacking and security become the most biggest problem to this very day so don't be surprise if some website or app ask you to change password every months, yes it is annoying but you won't regret it or cry a river when you discovered that your game account or Facebook got hacked. Also alway be aware that there are some apps might ask you for security permission from you.

What is a good password you ask? Well first is the length, how longest is your password? About 7 to 10 or even longer is enough but the length won't help you much if you relate password hinted with username or your personal information. Second, is that don't create password that's using person name or your name in it. Third, don't use password that's very easy for the world to guess or having the word 'password' in it like numbers 1234 or password123. Don't use simple and single word as password even if they have numbers that's hard to guess.

The good way to make a password would be first, your password should include 1 or 2 caps letter and add some number that would stand for you but make sure that nobody know about it. Second, you could make up your favorite sentence and use the front letters of the words as your password such as 'This little piggy went to market' to 'tipw2m' or being most creative would be 'tlpWENT2m'

In conclusion, as I said from the beginning it's better being safe than sorry. Most of you might thought that getting your...World of Warcraft account banned by your parent is the worst but believe getting hacked by someone unknown to you is far more bad and dangerous. It isn't only game account but social network do count too and your personal things or information might be seem by others, it's not safe so hope that is post might warn or remind you the way you set up your password.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Cars with App? Better be careful while driving.

Well in this year 2013, the article announced that last few years the cars numbers had been increase over the years. This year is the start up of  bring their own smartphone into the car and including all the apps too, pretty awesome idea hm? The early of this success of this idea the developers are excited about this idea and the challenge up ahead while the people who are waiting for this having fan-giggle right now, just like how I having fan-girl nerdgasm over the upcoming of Pokemon X and Y for 3DS. But let not get off topic (even if I do want to write more about game) over the 1,000 developers already signed up for this job since it announced earlier week of  January.

If let me guess this wonderful idea originally came from the thought that we often get new smartphone (every year...) then we buy new cars which I think that is a very smart idea since you could raise more money like how you kill 2 birds with 1 stone. Well now we could only wait what apps with the developers will come up with next even if it was still their private closed betas, and there will be alot of apps for radio like iHeartRadio and Pandora since driving and music are classic. Also some apps are for reading newspaper and magazine articles for your entrainment when traffic or other choices are doe location-shaping apps like Giympse.

In my thought I love the idea but alway be aware that when you driving, your eyes focus on the road. Well all I can said is that: Be careful while you're driving.

 Look cool? Can't imagined what will the world of driving be like in the future.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Fewer Children start to come the Libraries often, Well can't say that I am surprise

Now this article take place in Thailand, wow! Anyway most of people specially kids after school some students would usually go home right away by picking up vans or bus while some other kids rather to stay home than other activity or play with their friend, spend time with video games or sports.

But there is still small amount percent of students, specially this two girls they would spend their time reading at a small library. This used of their time were approve by both parent and other who see them.

How bad is the situation, you asked? Well let say there are about more than 10,000 people live in Khlong Toei while less than 1,000 people maybe around 600 or 700 are members of library around that area. Well all the new things and activities that newly added in like computer, online games, ipad, etc... I am very surprise at all. Research may show that children like to watching or listen rather than reading which need more concentration.

 Now it's my thought about this article. Well it didn't mean that with all the new technology like computer, games and iphone is going on, it didn't mean that kids with spend less time on reading but the only different is that we don't spend alot of time on the real book. We could read information from the internet too plus with how easy it's to search topics on what you want to know, just one click and alot of webs with facts are there for you. I mean really I read fiction in most of the time and I sometime play game too since I am an hardcore facts at gaming.

 So...what is the different?