Top 20 weak and worst Passwords of all time.
- 123456 (Is that all you can think of?)
- 12345
- 123456789
- Password (Well can't said about this one since when I was young I used this password for Club Penguin.)
- iloveyou (That's just silly.)
- princess (Seriously?)
- rockyou
- 1234567
- 12345678
- abc123
- Nicole (Using username or your name as password never be a good decision.)
- Daniel
- babygirl
- monkey (You sir properly asking for your account to got Hack and you would rage like a monkey.)
- Jessica
- Lovely (It won't be lovely when you got HACK.)
- michael
- Ashley
- 654321
- Qwerty (They are way smarter than you think.)
- infographic
What is a good password you ask? Well first is the length, how longest is your password? About 7 to 10 or even longer is enough but the length won't help you much if you relate password hinted with username or your personal information. Second, is that don't create password that's using person name or your name in it. Third, don't use password that's very easy for the world to guess or having the word 'password' in it like numbers 1234 or password123. Don't use simple and single word as password even if they have numbers that's hard to guess.
The good way to make a password would be first, your password should include 1 or 2 caps letter and add some number that would stand for you but make sure that nobody know about it. Second, you could make up your favorite sentence and use the front letters of the words as your password such as 'This little piggy went to market' to 'tipw2m' or being most creative would be 'tlpWENT2m'
In conclusion, as I said from the beginning it's better being safe than sorry. Most of you might thought that getting your...World of Warcraft account banned by your parent is the worst but believe getting hacked by someone unknown to you is far more bad and dangerous. It isn't only game account but social network do count too and your personal things or information might be seem by others, it's not safe so hope that is post might warn or remind you the way you set up your password.